Paragon CUT Beauties

"If it's not Paragon CUT, you don't want it!"

Welcome to Paragon CUT Books

Once you become a member, you will be placed on the members roster and you will:

  • Receive email alerts with news, about events, etc.
  • Receive discounts on products and services.

  • Receive credits when others use your username when signing up to be a member or to make a purchase on the website. See discounts Every time a customer makes any type of purchase on the website, and that customer uses a member's username or unique member link or other member code, that member will receive a credit to his account for $1. This is called a referral credit.

  • Access to videos and all other content.
  • You can submit questions for the FAQs page
  • You can participate in the OFFICIAL DATING FORMULA  forum and more


Temporarily, membership is free. Soon, it will be a monthly subscription of between $2 and $5 per month.

We do not share your information with anyone!!!

Read our Privacy Policy HERE

Sign up here to become a member

At Paragon CUT, we take your privacy seriously. We value your privacy as much as we value ours. We want you to know that when you provide us with your personal information on this website, or any of our websites, whether you’re signing up as a member, making a transaction, or simply browsing, your information is safe with us. We will NEVER, under any circumstances, share NOR sell your personal information to anyone, not even the authorities.

 We will NEVER share NOR sell any of your personal information to anyone!

Your privacy matters to us, and we hold it in the highest regard. Rest assured that any information you are provide to us on any of our websites will remain confidential and will NEVER be disclosed to any third parties, PERIOD!!!

Your Information, Your Trust, is Our Commitment!