Paragon CUT Beauties

"If it's not Paragon CUT, you don't want it!"

Welcome to Paragon CUT Books

  • Attracting multiple types
  • List of qualities
  • Outshine others
  • Attire
  • Body
  • Teeth
  • Smell good
  • Attitude
  • Habits
  • “Fire at one end” quote
  • “A house is not a home” quote
  • “Making a mistake is okay” quote
  • Casual sex and relationships
  • Gold-diggers and sugar daddies
  • Private/personal HO
  • TOI, massage license anecdote
  • “What’s right is right” quote
  • Attached/married lovers
  • Intrinsic vs extrinsic
  • Social media
  • Loyalty, “doing it in the dark is wrong” quote
  • Integrity
  • Thugs, criminals, war
  • Vices, bad habits
  • Health & fitness
  • Chemistry
  • Who’s in control? (“Successful people” quote)
  • Profanity (“Foul Language” piece)
  • College life, trips, out of towners
  • Strippers, Hoe’s
  • Gossip
  • Keeping secrets & breaking up (“Do not judge by mistake” quote)
  • Religion
  • Unconditional love
  •  Interracial relationships
  • How to get that treasure
  • Step up your game
  • Gentlemen, debonairs
  • Dos and Don’ts
  • Who’s Kool?
  • What girls like
  • How to attract hundreds
  • Perfecting your skills
  • Not all $ is good $
  • “Foul language” piece
  • Major respect
  • Girls are sacred
  • “Can’t control others” quote
  • Warning: You can go to jail
  • Sex and the law
  • Age chart
  • The right approach
  • Presentation
  • The girls are ready
  • Playboy and players
  • “A man w/o principles” quote
  • “Avoid negative convo” quote
  • You are in charge
  • Controlling a girl
  • Pregnancy, abortion, control
  • Ground rules
  • “Understanding” quote
  • Your libido
  • “Successful people” quote
  • “One life, many choices”
  • Love vs lust
  • Birth control
  • Don’t be “trapped”
  • Kids having kids
  • Abortions
  • Virgins, hoes & freaks
  • Getting that “treasure”
  • Threesomes, orgies & trains
  • Count the sex acts, count years in jail
  • It wasn’t rape, was it?
  • Date-rape
  • Sex in concert (R. Kelly)
  • The value of the treasure
  • Abuse
  • Celebrity boxing (China)
  • “Do me once” quote
  • Key terms
  • Older girls
  • Girls use sex to get love
  • Love is a disease
  • Poem “What’s this Thing Called Love?”
  • Infatuation or love?
  • Kathy anecdote
  • Be a lady
  • Virginity
  • Toi anecdote
  • Womanize definition
  • Player vs playboy
  • More fish than you realize
  • Does he really like you?
  • Questionnaire
  • Queen is more special than a king
  • King is in charge
  • Nothing better than a woman
  • Primary teacher
  • Proper presentation
  • Credibility
  • Tattoos
  • “Do not judge” quote
  • “Repeating mistake” quote
  • Tricked out the panties
  • What a tease
  • Ground rules & respect
  • “Company you keep” piece
  • Correct places to date
  • Parents don’t know
  • Don’t be played
  • Peace comes from no sex
  • Sex
  • Value of your treasure
  • Who likes whom more?
  • The manipulation
  • Who’s in demand?
  • Leverage game
  • So fine
  • Love vs lust
  • Pregnancy, abortion, control
  • Trapping a boy
  • Kids with kids
  • Your “treasure “
  • When to give it up
  • Examples of manipulation
  • Threesomes, trains and orgies
  • Key terms
  • Abuse
  • Bad judgment
  • Dating ages
  • Is he too old?
  • Going to jail
  • Was it really rape?
  • Point of no return
  • Blue balls
  • Kathy anecdote
  • Is he cheating? What to do.
  • “Criticism is basis for Improvement”
  • Ground rules
  • Friendship criteria
  • Romance criteria
  • “Knowledge w/o” quote
  • Three elements to success
  • Gold-diggers
  • Respect
  • Love or lust
  • Standards
  • Raising the game level
  • Who’s in charge
  • Respect
  • Full disclosure
  • Homework
  • Ex-’s
  • Why her?
  • Children
  • Finances
  • Arrested
  • Loyalty
  • Time to marinate
  • Abuse
  • Fidelity
  • Playboys & players
  • I need a variety of women
  • Pregnancies
  • Children
  • Lavera anecdote
  • Ready-made family
  • She has kids. Too many?
  • How many daddies, mamas?
  • Finances, pre-nups
  • Going to jail
  • Control
  • Sex, sex & more sex
  • Threesomes, orgies
  • Polygamy
  • How to get her sprung
  • Fatherhood
  • Penalties
  • The contract
  • Who wants to join the Mafia?
  • Key points
  • Elder test
  • Stamina, the workout
  • “Understanding” quote
  • Previous relationships
  • Playboys vs players
  • Sex
  • Pregnancies
  • Finances
  • Arrested
  • Pre-existing children
  • Loyalty
  • Time to marinate
  • Abuse
  • Respect
  • Foul language
  • Children
  • When to have kids
  • “Knowledge w/o” quote
  • Child’s first 5 years
  • Role models
  • Positive reinforcement
  • Pre-existing children
  • Cheating
  • Arrested
  • Trapping a man
  • Value of your treasure
  • Penetrating vs penetrated
  • Finances
  • Sex, sex & more sex
  • Does size matter?
  • Should I commit?
  •   “Understanding” quote
  • Don’t “think like a man”
  • “Watch your thoughts” quote
  • THE Treasure is sacred
  • Sign for free sex
  • Men and women not equal
  • Polygamy
  • Preoccupation with sex
  • Look, don’t touch
  • Cheating
  • Variety
  • Sex differences
  • Feminists
  • “Knowledge w/o application” quote
  • Your types
  • A fine wife
  • Good places, and bad
  • The right formula
  • Dating services
  • Jail
  • Caution
  • Three categories of women
  • First impressions
  • Cleavage
  • Lasting impressions
  • Teen girls, appearance
  • Respect
  • Command vs demand
  • Integrity
  • Lying
  • Can’t control others
  • Consistency
  • Fronting
  • Be what you want him to be
  • Wendy Williams
  • Fake stuff
  • Peggy anecdote (dyed hair)
  • Courtney Cox, Nikki Minaj
  • Leah Remini
  • Mary Blige
  • Make-up
  • Teeth (gold)
  • Tattoos
  • Paragon CUT Beauty Scale
  • Sexiness
  • Makeup [artist]
  • Body types
  • Intrinsic/extrinsic
  • Statistics, total score
  • Tanya anecdote
  • Values, morals
  • For or against, list
  • Topics to discuss
  • Interview
  • Type of dates (places)
  • Questionnaire
  • Scientific approach
  • Random Q’s
  • Mandatory (qualities)
  • References
  • Optional
  • No Mr./Ms. right
  • Compatibility chart; %’’s
  • Length of marriages
  • San Luis Obispo politician
  • Politically correct is BS

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