Paragon CUT Beauties

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The Paragon CUT Beauty Scale: The Rationale for the Scale from 1 to 12.


For decades, the concept of rating women’s beauty has been confined to a narrow scale from 1 to 10. However, this simplistic scale fails to capture the nuanced spectrum of beauty that exists. The inherent flaw lies in the limited degrees of separation it offers, leading to an oversimplification of beauty standards.

Upon critical analysis, it became evident that the traditional scale was inadequate. The notion of “average” beauty, often pegged at 5, overlooks the rich diversity and depth of beauty that exists among individuals. It became apparent that a scale with only five degrees of variation of good looks (6-10)was insufficient to accurately reflect the multifaceted nature of beauty.

Thus, a new paradigm was conceived, one that expands the horizons of beauty assessment. The introduction of half-points from 1 to 12 effectively doubles the degrees of beauty, allowing for a more refined evaluation. This expansion acknowledges the intricacies and subtleties inherent in the perception of beauty.

The journey from “CURSED” at 1 to “phenomenal” at 12 is a testament to the breadth of beauty in all its forms. Each point on the scale is meticulously crafted to capture the essence of beauty at various levels, from the haunting allure of “gorgeous” to the unparalleled radiance of “PHENOMENAL.”

By incorporating specific adjectives alongside each rating, the scale seeks to elucidate the distinct qualities associated with different degrees of beauty. From “cute” to “attractive,” from “pretty” to “gorgeous,” each descriptor embodies a unique facet of beauty, celebrating the diversity of feminine allure.

This new scale is not merely a numerical progression but a narrative of beauty’s evolution, a testament to the depth and complexity of human perception. It transcends conventional boundaries, inviting individuals to explore and appreciate the myriad expressions of beauty that grace our world.

In essence, the decision to create this new scale to 12 was driven by a commitment to accuracy, inclusivity and distinction. It reflects a recognition of the richness of beauty and the need for a more nuanced approach to its assessment. As we embark on this journey of discovery, let us embrace the full spectrum of beauty, celebrating its myriad manifestations with reverence and awe.

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