Paragon CUT Beauties

"If it's not Paragon CUT, you don't want it!"

Welcome to Paragon CUT Books

What is Paragon Cut Books?

Paragon Cut Books is a subsidiary of Paragon Cut, an innovative conglomerate in the

entertainment industry. We are a book publishing company dedicated to offering engaging

and enlightening nonfiction works that inspire, educate, and empower readers.

What types of books does Paragon Cut Books publish?

Paragon Cut Books focuses on nonfiction content that covers a wide range of topics,

including self-help, personal development, business, finance, health, and more. Our goal is

to provide readers with valuable insights and practical guidance on various aspects of life


How can I submit a book proposal to Paragon Cut Books?


Soon, We will accept book proposals from authors who share our vision and values. At that

time, we will post a Submissions page for guidelines on how to submit your proposal for

consideration by our editorial team.

Is Paragon Cut Books open to working with new authors?

Absolutely! We are committed to discovering and nurturing new talent. Whether you’re an

established author or a first-time writer, we encourage you to submit your book proposal to

We believe in providing opportunities for aspiring authors to share their unique

perspectives and voices with the world.

Will Paragon Cut Books help with the publishing process?

Yes, Paragon Cut Books offers comprehensive publishing services to our authors, including

editing, design, distribution, and marketing support. We are dedicated to guiding our

authors through every step of the publishing journey to ensure their success.

What sets Paragon Cut Books apart from other publishing companies?

Paragon Cut Books operates with a distinct moral compass and commitment to

authenticity. Unlike traditional publishing entities that may prioritize shock value and

controversy, we believe in offering nonfiction works that uphold our values of class, honor,

and integrity. We strive to publish content that inspires personal growth, fosters intellectual

curiosity, and contributes positively to society.

Does Paragon Cut Books offer opportunities for partnerships or collaborations?

Yes, we are open to exploring partnerships and collaborations with individuals and

organizations that share our values and mission. Please reach out to us through our

Contact Us page to discuss potential opportunities for collaboration.

Where can I purchase books published by Paragon Cut Books?

Our books are available for purchase on our website, and at select retailers, which we will

list in the future, as well as libraries.

At Paragon CUT, we take your privacy seriously. We value your privacy as much as we value ours. We want you to know that when you provide us with your personal information on this website, or any of our websites, whether you’re signing up as a member, making a transaction, or simply browsing, your information is safe with us. We will NEVER, under any circumstances, share NOR sell your personal information to anyone, not even the authorities.

 We will NEVER share NOR sell any of your personal information to anyone!

Your privacy matters to us, and we hold it in the highest regard. Rest assured that any information you are provide to us on any of our websites will remain confidential and will NEVER be disclosed to any third parties, PERIOD!!!

Your Information, Your Trust, is Our Commitment!